Sabiana SpA ist froh, die
Übernahme von dem spanischen Betrieb TECNA SL anzumelden, welcher
sich einer langen Erfahrung auf dem spanischen Markt im Umfeld von dem Heizen,
von dem Kühlen und von der Ventilation rühmt und außerdem ein Verteiler von den
Sabiana Produkten ist.Solche Übernahme erlaubt uns
mehr und mehr verfügbar gegenüber unseren Kunden auf einer der strategischsten
Gebiete, das heißt, auf der iberischen Halbinsel zu sein.
Die ganze Belegschaft von
dem TECNA SL Betrieb, die ab heute zur Familie von Sabiana gehört,
heißen wir denn herzlich willkommen.
Sabiana take part at the reopening of the Naple's ex Calpac as a school
After 40 years of abandonment, the former Capalc, reborn under the new dress of a citadel. The facility, an area of 35,000 square meters, has 84 spacious complete classrooms of modern teaching technology, 22 workshops and 3 auditoriums for 2,000 students. Sabiana participated in the realization of this facility by supplying pulsed Pulsar strips, cassettes and CRSO
Sabiana, the indisputable authority in the Air Treatment
Conegliano (Province of Treviso)June 16th 2017, During the meeting organized to discuss issues related to hospital structures involved 72 executives of all technical departments of ULSS Veneto, as well as illustrious names of Veneto region healthcare such as Dr. Francesco Benazzi (General Manager of AULSS2 of Treviso) and the architect Antonio Canini (Director of organizational unit of Veneto Hospitals. The focus of this meeting was the analysis of hospital structures through four elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air.The meeting was organized and sponsored by ULSS2 and SIAIS; ULSS2 is a new hospital company of the province of Treviso while SIAIS (Italian Society of Architecture and Health Engineering) is a company that was founded in the 1980s with the aim of creating a social, cultural and informational exchange network among professionals in the Healthcare Area.When it came to Air analysis, Sabiana know how and authority was fundamental, highlighting how healthy and clean air is essential in environments like hospitals.